

In an exercise of ironic self-awareness, Chantal Akerman tries to deal with her own procrastination by making a film about laziness itself. The film is part of a collective project in which seven women each are making a short film about one of the deadly sins.


Punk author Kathy Acker’s work is the starting point for a conversation about gender identity and body transformation and is linked to the punk movement of the 1970s and 1980s.


Confused about German bureaucracy and questioning her sexuality, Hoda, an Iranian asylum seeker in Berlin, finds herself hooked on Magdalena, who promised to ensure her asylum by marrying her. Due to changes in Magdalena’s private life, her decision to marry Hoda becomes more complex.


Harry Kramer dances his way through an industrial landscape to the rhythm of groovy jazz music. Filmed and edited in a clever but alienating way, slowly but surely, the urban setting and the impact of a dizzying and all-consuming metropolis take over.


Filmmaker Nikita Diakur's AI avatar teaches itself how to do a backflip.


Udo Kier dies his way through film history. He screams, falls, is dismembered, shot or commits suicide. Again and again his empty gaze, again and again his rigid body.