Ren Scateni

Ren Scateni is hoofd programmatie bij Encounters Film Festival. Hen is ook freelance schrijver en curator, voornamelijk geïnteresseerd in experimenteel en audiovisueel werk. Hun artikelen verschenen onder meer in ArtReview en ArtReview Asia, Hyperallergic en MUBI Notebook. Ren is Trustee bij Alchemy Film & Arts.


An introspective essay about the search for a place between reality and imagination: a placeless place made up out of dreams and a longing for fluidity. Slowly, the grains of the compressed image become the sands of the atopic beach, revealing an imaginary place.


Portrait of a young teenager with mental health issues who is passionate about karate. They wander around a housing estate in East Kent, locked in verbal and physical battles with a hallucinatory demon.